Rebirth. Renewal. Rejuvenation.

Energetic Tune Up

Energetic Tune Ups provide an intuitive deep energy cleansing to address specific blockages and challenges that you may be experiencing. This restorative practice includes a complete read of your energetic field, targeted transformative energy work and an oracle card pull.

1 hr @ $85
1:1 sessions are held virtually.  | All services are non-refundable. Rescheduling is available.

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Energy Work & Akashic

The Energy Work & Akashic private session provides an Energetic Tune Up with a personalized Akashic Records read intended to gain insights, guidance and directives towards transforming your physical and spiritual realities.

The Akasha is an etheric plane which holds record of each soul’s journey across time and space. In the Akasha, we can clear karmic contracts, integrate new gifts and gain insights on how to maximize our highest vibrational resonance in our present lives.

1.5hr @ $105
1:1 sessions are held virtually.  | All services are non-refundable. Rescheduling is available.

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AGAPE Energy Work & Akahsic Records Meditation is an in person monthly gathering in NY. It is led by Alexeya with sound healing by Reiki Lune. AGAPE is a community of artists, healers, medicine women, root workers, movement practitioners and humans dedicated to connecting to their highest timeline in service of their soul’s progression. It is sliding scale donation based.